Friday, 17 May 2013


I've finally managed to get some sun sitting outside soaking up the rays! Don't get to carried away though, I'm still as pale as ever. With the nicer weather comes the opportunity to get started on some spray painting projects. First on the list was four picture frames and a "wish" sign, unfortunately I got basically done and then ran out of paint. Yes here I finally get started on a project and then I don't even get completely finished. Oh well, now I have to wait till I get a chance to go to the states and pick up some more paint. 
In the mean time I guess I'll have to find a new project to work on... project meaning computer organizing maybe get a few CDs copied, that kind of stuff. And of course trying to get a tan, cause we all know I need that.

On another train of thought It was around this time last year (since it's may and closely approaching the 20th also known as Short Person Appreciation Day) that some of my closest friends completely bombed on a chalk board that now hangs in my room. By bomb I mean completely through out whatever words they could possibly think of and record them in chalk. It is rather humorous at this time to review such as "spam fan". Wow my friends are ridiculous.


Monday, 6 May 2013

Year One Is Complete.And Here Begins My Summer.

I have made it. One year of Interior Decorating is now under my belt and can be added to my resume under education. Unfortunately a Co-op is not in the plan for the summer. I applied to a bunch of places in both London and Sarnia but they all told be generally the same thing: they weren't looking for summer students, they would not hire someone who would not work Sundays  or they would nit hire me because by the time I was trained I'd be leaving for school again. As I result I have been thrown once again to find a summer job which seems to be so hard in this area. Either there are so many applicants that someone is more qualified then I am or it's not enough work and to far off a distance to actually profit me. I worked six shifts last week at Sam's Restaurant (where I was a waitress last year), but it was only because several of the waitress' wanted time off and the owner and his wife became incredibly proud and happy grandparents! (I had to smile as Maria carried around a camera with pictures of her new granddaughter, who is so adorable!). As a result I'm still trying to figure out.

In the mean time I've been trying to catch up on all those little tasks I've been neglecting as well as get some projects done. Recent garage sales turned out to be quite a score for me, at least in the way of pictures frames. I have enough now to frame the painting and photo's from New York and well as some others that will hopefully come in helpful sometime in the future  I also found a drafting board which will hopefully come in extremely handy this upcoming year in school. No more being bent over a low bulky desk in my room late at night!

In other news, May is a month of a very many important days, one of which being one of my besets friends birthday's! We have yet to celebrate yet since I was working all last week (including her Birthday which was on Wednesday) But if a birthday bash ensues I will definitely attempt to post some pictures! Int he mean time I need to catch some sun as I am to pale for words (pasty will no longer cover it) and maybe even catch up on some reading.

Hopefully I will be posting some pictures soon of some of my projects so those of you who have never seen them before cane get a glimpse of what I've been doing for the past year. And so the adventures begin!