Receiving inspiration from the most creative of them all, the LORD and Creator of the heavens and earth.
Monday, 19 November 2012
8 more days!!
I am once again beginning to get excited for New York City. There are 8 days remaining before I'm off to the big city but I'm still questioning the state of our available transportation when we are there. Hoping for the best and praying that this trip will well be worth the wait, money , and time it will be costing me.
Fanshawe College Fall Open House!
So Last week Saturday was the Fall Open House for Fanshawe College which I helped with as one of the two first year students. We talked to a great variety of students there from those who were thinking of switching careers to someone who had a BA in art as well as the typical students who were still in high school In order to show these guest a little of what we do, we were given the opportunity to decorate three different bookcases as well as two display boxes.
All the book shelves were decorated by second year students who have just begun to learn about such things in class. All very well done with different color themes in each.
The above two pictures are of display boxes. They are completely covered in a plain black fabric with removable box stands which are done in the same way. The top box was done by a great variety of second year students. Although they have not yet touched on these in class, the decoration of the box seemed to come quite natural to them. The second case was done by me as well as the other first year student with some different opinions given from a couple of second year students.
Overall the day went quite well and I, as well as all the other students representing my program, enjoyed it to a great extent. Can't wait to see if I remember any of next years first years from the open house!
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Here is the latest few projects that I have started. All of these are before pictures though I seem to have lost some of them so I only have pictures of the bottom.
These are two different windows that my dad found in his car wash, apparently someone left them behind. I have some rather interesting ideas for these pieces and I'm hoping to have them completed and posted before I'm back in school next semester.
Another piece I've been working on is one that Mike surprised me with. He brought It home from Aylmer and since then I've been surprised by a very simple wardrobe that was transformed in linen storage in a design magazine. I'm thinking a blue with green undertones? We will have to see. In the mean time I'm on the search from antique handles to graces these drawers with.
The Third Item... well it is now a little outdated because It's actually already finished. I finally found two of the before pictures. Unfortunately they were the two that were taken when it was upside down. I guess such is life.
I'll post pictures, once I have a good camera and some good lighting in my room in London.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Lemon Sugar Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting
For some time now I have wanted to attempt these rather delicious sounding cookies, but it was not until thanksgiving weekend that I decide to try them out. And they do taste delicious if I don't say so myself, quite simple too. I found it, as would be suspected, on pinterest and finally put my pins into action and boy are they delicious! They were even a hit with my aunt at our thanksgiving day dinner and my mom took to calling them lemon drops because of their small stature and shape. I got the recipe off this blog here... Lemon Sugar Cookies!
Or rather... 19 more days...
So here the count down is beginning again. Because Of Hurricane Sandy they have post-poned my trip to a later date. We are hoping that by the time we are planning to go we will be able to get access to the subways as well as have New York City a lot cleaner than the way it was left by the storm. Still super excited to go, but man is it messing up my school schedule!
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
13 more days!
So I as I begin to count down to my departure to New York City I have come to the realization I am not the only one who will be having some pretty exciting adventures. Two of my friends have recently informed me that they will soon be travelling to different parts of this country as well as other countries all together. One is off to Scotland for work in march and the other will be travelling to British Columbia for a short trip and then possibly returning there to attend to school next fall. Soon I'll will be able to brag about the various different locations where I have friends. Anyone want to move to Australia so I have a really good excuse to visit there as well?
Monday, 1 October 2012
Our Adventures Downtown
So as I am cooking Lasagna for supper and before I dive into my time consuming elevations I figured I post one more blog. This weekend, my roommate and I decided to take a trip downtown in order that I might visit the art store there and search for any supplies that might happen to be cheaper there than at school. Instead of taking the bus down Richmond we walked the entire length from Mill to Dundas where we caught our bus, visiting stores all the way.
In one of the stores we looked in - Kiss the Cook - we found this unique little teapot. After discovering that the depiction was of an owl Sharon immediately fell in love with it, asking me to take a picture of it in order that she might have photographic evidence of it's awesomeness.
The second photo we took was of a vibrant pink door, quite striking among many different dull colors in the downtown.
Our next little adventure while we were downtown was at an old Anglican church that had opens doors and Beckoned Sharon to no end. After a little bit of convincing that Sharon accomplished We headed across the street to see exactly all that was in the church. Sharon, being Sharon of course, gave the guards, who informed us it was 1812, a rather difficult time as they guarded the door. After several minutes of bantering we were then informed exactly the purpose of a bayonet and why it was so wonderful. Yes we were in fact threatened. I guess that's what I get for letting Sharon lead the march into our discovery.

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